ការពិតគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ 10 អំពីមេអំបៅ

ការពិតគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ 10 អំពីមេអំបៅ

Butterflies are amazing creatures that live on our planet. They belong to the section of arthropod insects.

The word itself is translated as “grandmother”. Butterflies got this name for a reason. The ancient Slavs believed that after death, the souls of people turn into these wonderful insects. Because of this, they also need to be treated with respect.

Not many people know that butterflies have a relatively short lifespan. It depends entirely on the climate and species. In most cases, the insect lives only a few days. But sometimes up to two weeks.

However, there are also butterflies that live up to two or even three years. In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about butterflies.

10 Butterfly taste buds are located on the legs.

ការពិតគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ 10 អំពីមេអំបៅ

Butterflies do not have a tongue at all, but there are paws on which receptors are located.

On each foot there are small dimples to which nerve cells fit. Scientists call it sensilla. When a butterfly lands on a flower, the sensilla are pressed tightly against its surface. It is at this moment that the insect’s brain receives a signal that sweet substances and so on appear in the body.

It is worth noting that insects could well use their proboscis to determine taste. But scientists have found that this method is ineffective. This will take too long.

The butterfly should sit on the flower, turn its proboscis, and then lower it to the very bottom of the corolla. But during this time, a lizard or a bird will have time to eat it.

9. An exoskeleton is located on the surface of the body of butterflies.

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Butterflies have always been distinguished by their tenderness and fragility. Very often they were sung by many poets and artists. But not everyone knows about their amazing structure.

The exoskeleton of a butterfly is located on the surface of the body. It covers the whole insect. A dense shell calmly envelops even the eyes and antennae.

It is worth noting that the exoskeleton does not let moisture and air through at all, and also does not feel cold or heat. But there is one drawback – the shell cannot grow.

8. Male calyptra eustrigata are able to drink blood

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Butterflies of the calyptra eustrigata species are called “vampires”. Thanks to a modified sclerotized proboscis, they able to pierce the skin of others and drink the blood.

Surprisingly, only males can do this. The females are not bloodthirsty at all. Easy to eat fruit juice.

Butterflies do not breathe evenly to human blood. But bites do no harm. Most often, such an unusual species can be found in East Asia. But they are also observed in China, Malaysia.

Once from these places she was able to get to Russia and Europe. Prefers more nocturnal lifestyle. Mass flies out only in one period – at the end of June to August.

He tries to hide during the day. It is very difficult to notice in nature.

7. Hawk hawk Dead head squeaks in time of danger

Butterfly called Deadhead hawk refers to insects of medium and large size.

Width in the open position is about 13 centimeters. Females differ from males in shape and size. Males are much smaller than females, and their body is slightly pointed.

This type of butterfly has one unusual feature. During any danger, they emit a strong squeak. This is one of the rather rare occurrences for such insects. Many times, scientists have tried to figure out where this sound comes from.

Later it was found that the squeak is due to the fluctuations of the upper lip. Surprisingly, the habitats are always different. But the place of origin remains – North America.

They love to be on plantations, large fields. For example, in Europe, insects can be found on lands where potatoes are planted.

In the daytime, the hawk dead head is on the trees. But closer to the night flies out in search of food.

6. Monarch butterfly is able to identify medicinal plants

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The monarch butterfly is found most often in North America, Australia, New Zealand. Currently, you can see in Russia.

These insects can be attributed to the most beautiful. They always have bright and unusual colors. It is worth noting that females live much longer than males. They can live from a few weeks to two or three months.

This species has an unusual feature. Butterflies can easily find medicinal plants. If someone needs help, they are willing to help.

Caterpillars use a special milky juice, and adults – the nectar of flowers.

5. Hawk hawk can imitate howling

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Butterfly hawk moth is also called hummingbird butterfly. Such insects are currently listed in the Red Book.

But seeing them at least once, you will get a lot of positive emotions. This is one of the most amazing and beautiful creatures. They can fly both day and night. They have a rather original body color. That is why not everyone can immediately determine what kind of species.

Not many people know that if you pick up such a caterpillar of a butterfly, then it will behave completely calmly. Although many are disgusted and may even bite.

Very often caterpillars can be found in vines. They look quite specific, which is why a person tries to immediately destroy this insect. But you shouldn’t do it. They do not bring losses to the crop.

Butterfly hawk moth can imitate an unusual howl. This helps them climb into the bee hive and then make buzz-like sounds. That is why this species can easily steal honey directly from the hive. At the same time, no one will dare to touch her, as they will take her “for their own”.

4. Apollo lives in snowy areas

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Butterfly named Apollo is one of the most beautiful in all of Europe. It lives in snowy areas with poor vegetation. Can be found on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as Yakutia.

Currently, they began to meet very rarely, their biography has been little studied. They are active during the day, and at night they prefer to hide in large bushes where they will not be seen.

3. Machaon – the fastest species

ការពិតគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ 10 អំពីមេអំបៅ

The well-known butterfly called Swallowtail was named so by Carl Linnaeus. Widely distributed in the Holarctic region.

Currently, this species is listed in the Red Book. It is worth noting that this the fastest and strongest insect in comparison with other individuals of sailboats.

2. Acetozea – ​​the smallest species

ការពិតគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ 10 អំពីមេអំបៅ

In our vast and wonderful world, there are also the smallest species of butterflies. One of which is Acetozea.

Lives mostly in the UK. Together with the wingspan, the insect reaches 2 mm. Her life is very short. Because of this, it multiplies rapidly.

It is worth noting that this species has a rather unusual color. The blue tones of the wings are covered with small black patterns. Looks very nice.

1. Agrippina is the largest species

ការពិតគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ 10 អំពីមេអំបៅ

Butterfly agrippina is considered the largest of all butterflies in the world. Very often you can hear her other name – “white witch”.

Sometimes an insect is often confused with a flying bird. The wingspan reaches 31 cm. The color can be completely different – from light to very dark. Often seen on wood ash, where it is easiest for her to disguise herself.

One such butterfly was caught in Central America. Currently considered to be on the verge of extinction. Forests are constantly being cut down and peat bogs are being drained. For example, in Brazil this species is under special protection.
